Sunday, September 26, 2010

A New NEW Look for the Beacon

This weekend, I experimented with a new technique for finishing the metal on the Beacon. I'd been having trouble getting an even finish, because the shape of the fins and shell were not optimal for hand-polishing. Now the Beacon has a beautiful matte/frosted sheen. It isn't as flashy as the original, but it's definitely more refined. As always, the pieces are available in my Esty Store.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Beacon (and Stockpile) is Back!

Stockpile has taken the backseat for the last six weeks as I worked on my personal website ( and took a much-needed family vacation. Now I'm happy to report that the website is done, the family is once again scattered across the continent, and a fat batch of bombshells has arrived in my mailbox. I'm also studying woodworking and metalworking at 3rd Ward in Brooklyn, so I can widen my product range beyond lighting. But for now, I've got some more of the popular Beacon lamps available, and some vintage aircraft posters on the way.